Travelling To A Cold Country? Pack These Things Now!

Travelling from a tropical climate to a cold country can be daunting. The unexpected cold can come as a surprise, and one might find oneself shivering throughout the entire trip without the proper attire. Hence, if you’re going to a four-season country during Autumn, Spring, or Winter, these are the 5 things you must have before you board your plane.

#1 Waterproof Parka & Warm Coats

Waterproof parkas ensure that you do not get drenched to the bone when the weather is not in your favour, while warm coats allow you to be more fashionable during sunnier days. Having both a waterproof parka and a selection of coats will keep you warm, allowing you to enjoy your vacation or get your work done without having to spend the entire day indoors.

#2 Waterproof Boots

Waterproof boots are essential, whether rain, shine, or snow. They ensure that your feet are kept dry and warm in unpredictable climate. After all, no one likes walking in wet shoes all day long. Hence, it is wise to invest in a good pair of waterproof boots before your trip.

#3 Sweaters

Sweaters give you the freedom to pull over an extra layer whenever it gets too chilly. They are versatile additions to your wardrobe that do not only keep you warm but add to your personal style too. From heavy wool sweaters to lighter cardigans, you’ll have a variety of outfits for those instagrammable vacation pictures.

#4 Scarves

Not only are scarves fashionable, they do a great job at keeping your neck warm. Scarves can be worn under your jacket or over your top, ensuring that you don’t get a chill. And, if it ever gets a little too warm, you can always toss it in your bag.

#5 Socks & Mittens

When your body regulates heat toward your internal organs—due to the cold environment—you will find your hands and feet getting cold. This will happen fairly often when in a cold country. Thus, having insulated mittens and wool socks will play a big role in keeping your hands and feet warm.

Travelling to a cold country soon?

Head over to the Curve this weekend! We are home to leading retail outlets that offer fashionable and functional travel wear—providing you with what you’ll need for an enjoyable trip.